• Home Buyer in Inner City, Sydney - Main
  • Home Buyer in Inner City, Sydney - Dining
  • Home Buyer in Inner City, Sydney - Living Room
  • Home Buyer in Inner City, Sydney - Courtyard


Property Type: Single level 2 bedroom terrace

Property Location: Wyndham St, Alexandria


Buyer’s Scenario

Our clients were local buyers who had recently missed out at auction, where they tried to bid for themselves.

They had now found their ideal home in the ideal location, and were keen to not miss out a second time around.

They found having to confront the auctioneer and team of selling agents on their own very daunting and stressful, and wanted to get a seasoned professional to handle the whole process on the day.

Having no strategy, like most buyers, they were keen to hear our thoughts on price expectations, and what sort of bidding strategy would have the best chance of success, while also minimizing their risk.


Buyers Agent’s Solution

We contacted the selling agent and found out the price guide they were providing to buyers was significantly below recent comparable sales in the area. We advised our clients what the real price guide should be, by giving detail on each of the recent sales, and how those details impacted on the property they were interested in.

We helped guide our clients on what was a fair price to pay, and where they should be satisfied to let another buyer buy the property instead, if bidding reached that price level.

On the day, we took a proactive approach to the bidding. We were able to bid off the other 6 registered parties with our strategy, and we were successful in purchasing the home, still within our clients budget and price limit.


Buyer's Comments

“We’re very grateful to Frank and would absolutely recommend him.

Frank bid for us, gave us good analysis and advice on the price range to expect and had a very effective bidding strategy.

Very friendly and professional, we felt well supported on auction day.”


Matt – Alexandria