• Home Buyer in Woolloomooloo, Sydney - Main
  • Home Buyer in Woolloomooloo, Sydney - Bathroom
  • Home Buyer in Woolloomooloo, Sydney - Bedroom
  • Home Buyer in Woolloomooloo, Sydney - Kitchen
  • Home Buyer in Woolloomooloo, Sydney - Living Room
  • Home Buyer in Woolloomooloo, Sydney - Living Room
  • Home Buyer in Woolloomooloo, Sydney - Pool
  • Home Buyer in Woolloomooloo, Sydney - Map


Property Type: 2 Bedroom Apartment, framed by city skyline

Property Location: Palmer St, Woolloomooloo, Sydney


Buyer’s Scenario

Our client was searching for a centrally located property, and as a busy medical professional working shift hours her home needed to be spacious and quiet.

Ideally, our client wanted an outlook of the city but was unsure if that would be within budget.

Before engaging Search Find Invest, our client had been attending inspections for 2 years, and was tired of missing out on properties she loved, to other buyers.


Buyers Agent’s Solution

Our team shortlisted a number of suitable properties for our client to review before embarking on inspections that ultimately led us to a 2 bedroom tranquil sanctuary just moments from the CBD. 

We began negotiations on behalf of our client to ensure we secured the property against competing bids by other buyers. Our client was thrilled to finally purchase a home, meeting all the criteria to suit her needs and felt confident that she had not paid too much for a property that we negotiated to fair market value.