If you often read property investment articles or watch the media, you will hear the term “Property Hotspot” often used to describe a region or little known property market about to ‘boom’.

It can sound exciting to make quick money with property, and the description of the opportunity is designed to stimulate investors to rush in and buy, before prices take off and the opportunity is lost.

I would generally say, beware of these hotspots.

Property Investing is not meant to be a ‘get rich quick’ scheme.

Like any investing, if you take that approach, you often ‘get poor quick’ instead.




You don’t have to take huge risks with property investing to do very well. If you have the right finance structures in place, select the right sort of property, and re-invest when there is more equity to use, the compounding effect is where you should really get excited.

Blue Chip locations around Capital Cities that are proven performers, and continue to creep up slowly and steadily should definitely be the focus.

In Sydney for example, this area is commonly referred to as the ‘Golden Triangle’.

Sydney’s Eastern Suburbs, Inner West and Lower North Shore make up this triangle. High paid professionals who want to live in these areas have the capacity to bid up prices and also pay high rents. Brisbane and Melbourne have similar desirable locations.

Ways to be proactive include being constantly in contact with as many selling agents as possible.

So if you are looking for a ‘hotspot’ to invest in, then you don’t need to look any further than middle ring suburbs of our 3 biggest Capital Cities.

You will find most Sydney Buyers Agents almost exclusively service the Eastern Suburbs, Lower North Shore, or Inner West, as these are the locations where most astute purchasers and investors are interested in.

Success with property is basically a 4 step process.

Step 1 - Buy the best located, median priced property you can comfortably afford.

Step 2 – Hold.(Add value to accelerate the process)

Step 3 – When there is enough equity in this property or available surplus funds, then repeat Step 1.

Step 4 – ‘Don’t procrastinate!’- Indecision costs investors far more money that poor decision.

Don't get distracted by the noise you hear about hotspots. Or any media noise on that note.

You very rarely hear about investment horror stories from investors who have bought in quality locations.

It’s that simple. Of course simple doesn’t mean easy. If you are in a situation to be able to invest, but haven’t got to Step 1 for whatever reason, then have a chat with a professional Buyers Agent to assist. We at Search Find Invest would be happy to help.

Contact us on 1300 132 970 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.